The researcher measured People’s Perception of Televangelism in Enugu Urban. To ensure the accuracy of data generated, Survey research method was adopted. The researcher framed questionnaires comprising open ended and close ended questions and administered them to a chosen population sample as instruments of data collection. The researcher adopted chi-square formula to test the hypothesis and measured the audience response to research questions. The study was anchored on this theories, Cultivation theory, Uses and gratification theory and social exchange theory. Findings based on data generated and analyzed showed that televangelism reaches mass viewers, and it also shapes viewers altitude. Findings based on data generated and analyzed also depicted that televangelism satisfy viewers needs. The researcher therefore recommended that the gospel preacher should concentrate on gospel messages rather than canvassing for prosperity messages because Televangelism is responsible for repentance of Christians. Also, viewers need gospel messages to grow in their Christian faith.
Background of the Study
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Background of the Study
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Background of the Study
Credit risk management is a key component of the banking industry, particularly for microfinance ba...
Chapter One: Introduction
1.1 Background of the Study
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Background of the Study
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Background of the Study
Healthcare financing is a critical determinant of the sustainability and quality o...